How To Remove E6000 Glue From Fabric? – Easy Tips

how to remove e6000 glue from fabric

E6000 is a multi-purpose adhesive, well-known for its strength and flexibility. However, when you use this for a creative project, the liquid may accidentally stick to other things such as skin, table, or even your skin. This problem is common but so annoying that no one wants to face it!  However, if that happens, don’t … Read more

How To Remove Rhinestone Glue From Fabric?

how to remove rhinestone glue from fabric

When getting rid of rhinestone glue, you may sometimes leave patches or worn-out marks on the garment. Choosing suitable removal methods is a must in order to avoid these ugly things. Now, let’s learn more about how to remove rhinestone glue from fabric. How To Remove Rhinestone Glue From Fabric? There are four ideas to … Read more

How Do You Put Patches On Without Sewing?

how do you put patches on without sewing

How do you put patches on without sewing is a question asked by many people. To apply a patch to your garments or jacket, keep in mind that you don’t need to know how to sew or use a sewing machine. This post will show you how to iron on patches, attach boy scout patches … Read more

Does Hot Glue Work On Fabric, A Simple DIY Task

does hot glue work on fabric

Today I’m going to talk about the question of “does hot glue work on fabric?”. I’m not a professional, but I’ve used this for craft projects and it seems like the answer is: sometimes. The best advice is to test it out before you actually need it and see if that fixes your problem! Does … Read more