How To Get Hot Glue Off Fabric – 8 Simple Tips For Everyone

How to get hot glue off fabric? might be your repeating concern whenever you accidentally pour the adhesive on your clothes. Since it is applied in a liquid, melted condition, hot melt glue is strong enough to wrap around fibers before solidifying a solid bond. In addition, this miracle glue dries lightning-fast.

Nevertheless, you must have the necessary know-how to remove this liquid from surfaces. Below you will find simple solutions for the mentioned situation. So let’s check them out to get a satisfactory answer to your query.

how to get hot glue off fabric

How To Get Hot Glue Off Fabric

1. Put The Fabric Into The Freezer

Freezing is helpful not only with food. When hot glue gets cold, it becomes brittle.

Things to prepare:

  • Spoon or blunt knife
  • Freezer


  • Place your fabric piece in the freezer and keep it there long enough for the glue to freeze. Once the glue has frozen, take out the cloth from your freezer.
  • Remove the glue with a spoon or blunt knife since sharp items can also harm your fabric. Next, scrape at the cloth rapidly but gently so that you do not rip it.
  • If this way succeeds, the glue should come off the surface. Finally, clean your cloth to remove any leftover residue.

2. Wash The Fabric With Rubbing Alcohol

Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol
Isopropyl Rubbing Alcohol

The method below uses alcohol for tougher spills. Isopropyl rubbing alcohol rapidly interacts with adhesive materials, causing them to lose bonding capabilities.

Things to prepare:

  • Isopropyl rubbing alcohol
  • Cotton swap
  • Butter knife
  • Damp cloth


  • Soak a cotton swab in the rubbing alcohol, dab it around the affected surface and gently rub the area as well as peeling off the adhesive using your hand. If it is too stiff, use a butter knife to remove it.
  • Once successfully removing the dried glue from the surface, wipe it down with a damp cloth.

Make sure the alcohol you use includes at least 70% pure isopropyl alcohol. Otherwise, it may not work well on your clothes.

3. Iron Fabric

Keep The Iron Over The Hot Glue Area
Keep The Iron Over The Hot Glue Area

Ironing is a great technique to move components from one place to another.

Things to prepare:

  • Iron
  • Rag cotton or paper bag


  • Preheat the iron until it is heated enough to function effectively at a temperature ranging from medium to high. Do not use the steam setting.
  • Cover the affected area with rag cotton or paper bag, iron it for 10 to 20 seconds before removing it.
  • Check to see if the hot glue has been applied to the paper bag or rag cotton. By the end, clean your clothes to complete the process.

4. Use Acetone To Remove Stain

Acetone is a powerful organic solvent that helps remove thin adhesive layers by dissolving its components and leaving a residue-free surface in the end.

Things to prepare:

  • Acetone (nail polish remover)
  • Cotton ball
  • Clean cloth


  • Apply acetone to the stain using a cotton ball, beginning at the middle and moving outwards toward the edge.
  • Then, using a clean cloth, carefully wipe away the softened glue.
  • Repeat these procedures until the fabric no longer contains any dirt and you have achieved your desired result.

It is important not to saturate the cloth with acetone as this can cause discoloration.

5. Use Vinegar For Silk Dress

White Vinegar

Silk is an incredibly fragile fabric that demands extra care and attention to get hot glue off. Vinegar is the safe option to fix it.

Things to prepare:

  • Vinegar
  • Blunt knife
  • Mild detergent
  • Clean towel
  • Cotton swap


  • Lay a clean towel under your silk dress and put both on a flat surface.
  • Soak a cotton swab in vinegar and dab it over the afflicted area to see the glue starting to come off. Then, scrape away the residual residue with the blunt knife.
  • Once all adhesives have been removed, soak the fabric in cold water for at least 30 minutes with a mild detergent.
  • Rinse as usual and let the cloth dry naturally.

6. Use Goo Gone Adhesive Remover

Goo Gone - Surface Safe Adhesive Remover
Goo Gone – Surface Safe Adhesive Remover

Things to prepare:

  • Goo Gone adhesive remover
  • Clean towel
  • Hot soapy water


  • Apply Goo Gone to the afflicted area.
  • Let the adhesive remover sit for 3 to 5 minutes before removing it.
  • Using a clean towel or cloth, wipe clean the covered surface.
  • Dry with hot soapy water using a clean towel.

7. Soak The Fabric In Hot And Cold Water

This method is effective in removing virtually all types of stains.

Things to prepare:

  • Hot and ice-cold water
  • Mild detergent or dry cleaning fluid
  • Blunt knife


  • Fill a sink with water and soak the fabric in it. Then, add some hot water to the next and soak the cloth for an amount of time.
  • Take it out and check to see whether the stain has loosened up. If not, proceed by soaking in a pail of ice-cold water for at least 30 minutes.
  • Scrape away the residual residue with the blunt knife.
  • Wash your clothes with a mild detergent or dry cleaning fluid.

8. Use Baking Soda

Baking Soda
Baking Soda

Things to prepare:

  • Baking soda
  • White vinegar
  • Toothbrush


  • Sprinkle a little baking soda over the adhesive, gently scrub the glue away with the brush and dunk white vinegar.
  • Repeat these procedures until the fabric no longer contains any dirt.
  • Wash the cloth in the washing machine with detergent to remove any residual stains.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which material that hot glue does not stick to?

Hot glue does not stick to highly smooth surfaces, such as metal, silicone, wax, greasy and wet surfaces. That is because these materials do not provide anything for the hot glue to bind inside.

Is hot glue toxic?

Hot glue is non-toxic and does not release toxic fumes. Glue guns, on the other hand, must be appropriately used since they can burn you quickly.


Until these last words, you have undoubtedly reached thorough information about the topic – how to get hot glue off fabric?

Hopefully, this article, all the above tips will help you find ways to solve the problem quickly and easily. Also, if you find this helpful, do not hesitate to share it with people who have the same issue.